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Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y León

  /  Uncategorized   /  Conferencia sobre Gramáticas Formales con Condiciones de Contexto.

Conferencia sobre Gramáticas Formales con Condiciones de Contexto.

Durante esta semana visita la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros en Informática el profesor Alexander Meduna, de la Universidad Técnica de Brno, en el marco de los intercambios SOCRATES.
Aparte de la docencia de grado en la que participará, se ha ofrecido a impartir una conferencia que puede ser de interés para todos, sobre Gramáticas Formales con Condiciones de Contexto. La conferencia está programada para el miércoles 16 a las 17:00 en el Salón de Grados de la Escuela.
de Valladolid


Durante esta semana visita la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros en Informática el profesor Alexander Meduna, de la Universidad Técnica de Brno, en el marco de los intercambios SOCRATES.
Aparte de la docencia de grado en la que participará, se ha ofrecido a impartir una conferencia que puede ser de interés para todos, sobre Gramáticas Formales con Condiciones de Contexto. La conferencia está programada para el miércoles 16 a las 17:00 en el Salón de Grados de la Escuela.
de Valladolid


Grammars with Context Conditions and Their  Applications

Dr. RNDr. Alexander Meduna

Faculty of Information TechnologyTechnical University Brno (CZ)

: This conference willcover an overview of the results in the field of Grammars with ContextConditions which have been published in a recent book by Meduna and Svec. Ageneral motivation of the subject will be given, and the classification of grammars with context conditions will be covered. Three different forms ofconditions, on derivation domains, on the use of productions and on theneighbourhood of rewritten symbols will be discussed. Derivation simulation willbe also considered and, finally, a bundle of possible applications of theseformalisms to biological systems will be presented and motivated.

Since 1998, Dr. Alexander Meduna is an Associate Professor ofthe Department of Information Systems (DIFS) in the Faculty of InformationTechnology (FIT) of Brno Technical University (TU-Brno). Currently, he is theDeputy Head of the Department and member of the Academic Senate of FIT. He holdsa Ph.D in Computer Science from TU-Brno since 1988 and a M.S. in ComputerScience from Palacky University.
Between 1988 and 1996 he was Senior Researcher at the ComputingCenter in TU-Brno and from 1988 to 1996 he held a Visiting Assistantprofessorship at the Department of Computer Science in the University ofMissouri at Columbia. He is author of more than 70 refereed publications and hasrecently published two books on Automata and Grammars. His research interestsinclude the broad area of mathematically oriented computer science and, morespecifically: automata, formal languages, compilers, computer algebra, graphs,and  metamathematics.

Salón de Grados. Miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2005 17:00 pm


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