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Colegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y León

  /  Uncategorized   /  Petición de Trabajos para Workshop Internacional copatrocinado por el Colegio

Petición de Trabajos para Workshop Internacional copatrocinado por el Colegio

Petición de trabajos para el IWPAAMS’04 – 3er Workshop Internacional sobre Aplicaciones Prácticas de Agentes y Sistemas Multiagente

First Call For Papers:Internet, e-com and Artificial IntelligenceIWPAAMS’04 – 3rd International Workshop on Practical Applications of Agentsand Multi-Agent Systems13th to 15th of October, 2004, Burgos.-SpainThe IWPAAMS´2004 will provide a unique opportunity to bringmulti-disciplinary experts and practitioners together to exchange theirexperience in all aspects of Agents and Multiagent Systems.

Petición de trabajos para el IWPAAMS’04 – 3er Workshop Internacional sobre Aplicaciones Prácticas de Agentes y Sistemas Multiagente

First Call For Papers:Internet, e-com and Artificial IntelligenceIWPAAMS’04 – 3rd International Workshop on Practical Applications of Agentsand Multi-Agent Systems13th to 15th of October, 2004, Burgos.-SpainThe IWPAAMS´2004 will provide a unique opportunity to bringmulti-disciplinary experts and practitioners together to exchange theirexperience in all aspects of Agents and Multiagent Systems.
Topics of interestSubmissions are invited in, but not limited to, any of the following areas:- internet- E-commerce, B2B, B2C- Knowledge Management- Artificial Intelligence- Artificial Neural Networks- Information Retrieval and Data Mining.- Agents and multiagent systemsContributions should follow LNCS-Springer-Verlag Series,(http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs). The submission must be in Word. Theaccepted papers will be included in IWPAAMS´04 Proceedings to be publishedby the University of Burgos in a book with an ISBN.
Important dates:Submission of Papers: 30th July 2004Notification of Acceptance: 7th September 2004Final Camera-Ready Papers: 16th September 2004
Paper submission: iwpaams2004@ubu.es
Organised by:Área de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos. University of Burgos (Spain)GICAP (Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional Aplicada)Workshop Location: Escuela Politécnica Superior – Campus VigónC/Francisco Vitoria, s/n – 09006 Burgos (SPAIN)
Sponsored by:Junta de Castilla y LeónUniversidad de BurgosColegio Profesional de Ingenieros en Informática de Castilla y LeónGarcia Cibrian Informática,S.LTelefónica I+DDYCEC
Program Committee* Ángel Alonso UL* Fernando Alcarraz UBU* Carmen Benavides UL* Lourdes Borrajo USAL* Juan A. Botía UM* Vicent Botti UPV* Pedro Bravo UBU* Jacinto Canales UBU* Manuel Cantón UMA* Andre PLF Carvalho U. Sau Paulo (Brazil)* Luis F. Castillo USAL* Emilio S. Corchado UBU* J.M. Corchado USAL* Rafael Corchuelo US* Ulises Cortés UCM* Juan C. Cubero UGR* Fernando Díaz UVIGO* Florentino Fernández UVIGO* Inmaculada Fortes UMA* Rubén Fuentes UCM* Colin Fyfe UP(UK)* Bogdan Gabrys UB(UK)* Isaías García UL* Jesús García IIIA-CSIC* Jorge J. Gómez UCM* Antonio F. Gómez UM* José Luis Gómez UBU* Juan Carlos González UVIGO* Manuel González USAL* César Hervás UCO* Vicente Inglada UPV* Rosalía Laza UVIGO* Faraón Llorens UA* Beatriz López UDG* Vivian López USAL* Raúl Marticorena UBU* Jesús M. Maúdes UBU* J.Manuel Molina UC3M* Rafael Morales UMA* Llanos Mora UMA* Antonio Moreno URV* María Moreno USAL* Marlon Núñez UMA* Sascha Ossowski URJC* Enrique Paniagua UM* Juan Pavón UCM* Mar Pujol UA* Gonzalo Ramos UMA* José Riquelme US* Ramón Rizo UA* Sergi Robles UAB* Juan J. Rodríguez UBU* Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar IIIA-CSIC* Lourdes Sáiz UBU* Salvador Sánchez UJI* Verónica Tricio UBU* José Luis Triviño UMA* José R. Villar UL* HujunYin UMIST(UK)* Rodolfo Zunino U.G (Italy)
Organising Committee* Emilio S. Corchado (Chair) UBU* Raúl Marticorena (Vice chair) UBU* Diego Arnáiz UBU* Ángel Arroyo UBU* Bruno Baruque UBU* Pedro Burgos UBU* Leticia Curiel UBU* J. Luis Gómez UBU* Fco. Javier González UBU* Álvaro Herrero UBU* Ana M. Lara UBU* Carlos López UBU* Jesús M. Maúdes UBU* Cesar G. Osorio UBU* Carlos Pardo UBU* Juan C. Pérez UBU* Raquel Redondo UBU* J. José Rodríguez UBU* Héctor J.Sáez UBU* José M. Sáiz UBU* Belén Vaquerizo UBU
Detailed instructions are provided on the conference home page at:http://www2.ubu.es/gicap/iwpaams2004/index_eng.html

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